
家好月圓 With or Without You1.jpg 

家好月圓 With or Without You2.jpg 


She-Wei CHOU

TAIWAN│2008│Fiction│Digi Beta│Color│33min


  • 10.17  11:55
  • 10.22  12:15
  • 2009鹿特丹影展

  • 2009首爾女性影展亞洲短片競賽評審團獎

  • 2009台北電影節台北電影獎入圍


    After her mother died, the youngest daughter has been dreaming about her dead mother for nights. In the dreams, her mother expresses her will not to be buried next to her dead husband. On the seventh night after the mother’s death, the hidden past of the family was finally revealed.

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